Infection Control Audits
Dental audits identify discrepancies between documented standards and actual practice
The basic principles of infection prevention and control have been in place for several decades. Varying techniques and developments within healthcare, whether dental practices, care homes or hospitals and clinics have the potential to expose both the patient and the healthcare professional to an increasing range of risks relating to the transmission of potentially pathogenic micro-organisms. AGH Infection Control appreciate that this is of the greatest importance to both patients, customers and staff.
AGH Infection Control audit tools aim to assist in compliance with various Codes of Practice and HTM regulations as well as clinical best practice guidelines advised by the Infection Prevention Society.
To assist in the process of ensuring all healthcare buildings are designed and appropriate for their intended purpose, Health Technical Memorandum’s (HTM) were developed.
In the case of dental practices, HTM 01-05 Decontamination in primary care dental practices (2009) was published as the guide for their own dental practice. It provides guidance on the requirement to work towards achievement of clearly defined Essential Quality Requirements with additional progress being required to meet Best Practice status.
AGH Infection Control uses both their own bespoke audit tools and best infection prevention and control principles to assist care providers (dental, hospital, care home etc) in achieving their best standards with the full aim to gain compliance with these HTM guideline.
Within dentistry for example, the aims and objectives of HTM 01/05 are:
- Recognition of the difference between cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation.
- Implementation of Practice procedures and policies.
- Understanding of maintenance, testing, storage and disposal.
- Understanding the importance of Personal Protective Equipment.
- Operating safely and practically within the law and the British Dental Association guidelines.
- Recognition and minimisation of cross-infection.
Products and audits provided by AGH Infection Control fulfill the requirements for the Code of Practice 2015 for the prevention and control of infections 2015 criterion 9 – (Essential standards) and Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 01-05 Decontamination in primary care dental practices (2009) Essential Quality Requirements.
Care home auditing tools are written specifically for these areas and are based on the Health and Social Care Act (2008) Code of Practice for Infection Prevention and Control and are also based on best practice guidelines as dictated/advised by the Infection Prevention Society.