Basic PPE Theory Training (1 hour – up to 15 people)
It is essential health care professionals be trained in correct selection of most-appropriate PPE items, as well as how to apply, adjust, remove and dispose of them.
Basic PPE Theory Training (1 hour – up to 15 people)
It is essential health care professionals be trained in correct selection of most-appropriate PPE items, as well as how to apply, adjust, remove and dispose of them.
Regular in-service education and training is essential to ensure adherence to latest guidelines and recommendations
All PPE should be:
Located close to the point of use;
Stored in a clean/dry area until required for use (expiry dates must be adhered to) to prevent contamination;
Single-use only items unless specified by the manufacturer;
Disposed of after use into the correct waste stream: healthcare (including clinical) waste or domestic waste (Health Protection Scotland, 2015).
Facial protection, including fluid-repellent surgical face masks, is not commonly worn when caring for patients with cold or flu-like illnesses, but should be considered when: